This week I brought the acoustic along so I could try a few different songs just to shake things up a bit. I figured it'd keep things interesting, it's a bit of variety for singing practice and it gets me playing the guitar again which I'm missing a fair bit at the moment. I guess that's some kind of Pavlovian response thing with the gig on my mind, or something.
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Photoshop much? |
So as well as a couple of run throughs of the set, I also managed to squeeze in a batch of acoustic songs for the shnizzles. I did four acoustic songs but for some reason I can't fathom, I could only be bothered to actually record three of them to listen back to.
In case you're wondering why I'm recording stuff, I find that how I think I sound in real-time doesn't always translate to how it actually sounded when I'm free from the distraction of playing when I'm listening.
So, how did it go? How did it go, how did it go...
Holy crap I am so out of practise when I comes to playing the guitar! Jeesus, I REALLY need to start some regular playing time again so I think I'll be doing this for all my remaining solo rehearsals.
As Long As I Can See The Light (CCR)
The first song I attempted and the only one I didn't record. Muppet. From what I remember, it sounded nasty and not in a good way. I didn't manage to get it right at all, timing was appalling and I was all over the shop.
Sunny Afternoon (Kinks)
I remember being able to play this at quite a decent standard back in the day, even if I do say so myself. Those days have gone. Gone, gone, gone.
Twelve Eyes of Evil (Broken Family Band)
I was starting to warm up by the time I got to this one I reckon, as it sounded alright albeit very rusty. This one's going to be my marker for progression as since I know it so well, it's all muscle memory when I play and that makes it easier for me to gauge how well I'm playing it or not.
What a Good Boy (Barenaked Ladies)
I used to love playing this song but it's one of a few I stopped playing and never really came back to. I don't know why I thought about trying it, I hadn't planned on it and didn't have any lyrics to hand but it turns out it's also one of those songs where muscle memory takes over so lyrics (or lack thereof) weren't an issue. Rusty as hell but I enjoyed playing it and it also gave me the desire to try and do it properly.
And lo, an idea was born.
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It'll be good exercise for getting back into playing the guitar if nothing else.
Anyway, onto the set list.
War Pigs (Black Sabbath)
Yeah this will make for a great opener. We'll need to cut it down a bit though as it's a seven minuter but I've got an idea of a good end point for the song already. I'll try and edit the .mp3 I have for it to see if it works or not.
Personal Jesus (Depeche Mode)
I think this works as a good one to follow up War Pigs with as more folk should know it. It's also a good foot stomper that grooves so should hopefully get a good reception.
Punch & Judy (Marillion)
I'm doing this one for mostly selfish reasons as I've always wanted to do a Marillion song but I think more people should remember this one than not. Well, most Gen-X'ers at any rate. Got to watch my plosives with this one.
*To myself* Sing to the side of the mic for the plosives and then come back to face it for the rest of the singing.
Otherwise it's going to be a poppy plosive experience for everyone and that will be just as icky as it sounds.
History Repeating (Propellorheads)
I'm not sure why I chose this but I love the groove and reckon we could do a good job and have some fun with it.
Istanbul (They Might Be Giants)
This is fun to do. That is all.
Breathe (Prodigy)
Tiger's choice and a top one it was too! I would never have thought of doing in a million years but I'm starting to think I'm singing it too cheesily though didn't spend too much on it. Am having a think about how to find my voice for this one.
Stone Cold Crazy (Queen)
Getting there with this one. Didn't stumble over the words much and was able to put a bit of gravel to the voice which is usually a sign that I'm starting to get comfortable with a song.
Love Rears Its Ugly Head (Living Colour)
I'm now starting to think I'm over singing this which kinda sucks. I dunno though, I didn't manage to relax that much at the rehearsal and I noticed that I was looking at the clock more than usual so maybe I just wasn't feeling it as much as the week before. I'll have a better idea after the next one or two rehearsals, I guess.
Whippin' Post (Allman Bros)
Another one where I could be over singing. Or it could be the opposite for all I really know. I certainly felt more comfortable singing the notes the week before but this week I felt a lot more comfortable with the song structures and lyrical phrasing.
Two Tribes (Frankie Goes to Hollywood)
This should be a good, fun way to end the set and hopefully leave everyone on a high.
So that's it for this time. I think I'll try and split my time at the next rehearsal to something like an hour for the set and and hour for acoustic stuff. It depends on how the set sounds though as that will always be the priority.
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